Thursday, February 2, 2017

[saje] Learning TONIGHT 8 PM with Rabbi Ariel Tal

SAJE is co-sponsoring a learning event tonight with scholar in residence Rabbi Ariel Tal.  He will be leading a chevrutah (partner learning) session on the topic of friendship.

When: TONIGHT (Feb 2), 8-9 pm
Where: UChicago Hillel, 5715 S Woodlawn Ave


We all have friends, acquaintances, colleagues and people we hang around, but have we considered who are our real friends and who are simply acquaintances? What are the parameters of establishing a true and long-lasting friendship? How does the Torah define friendship? What qualities should we be looking for in a friend, and why is friendship a core need for humanity?

Through various sources we will explore the different perspectives on what one should look for in a friend, and how to determine what real friendship is.

About Rabbi Tal:
Rabbi Ariel Tal, B.Ed is an experienced educator, Rabbi and marketing expert, serving in positions in both North America and Israel. Rabbi Tal has a B.Ed from Ohalo College in the Golan Heights, Israel, Rabbinical Semicha from Israel Chief Rabbinate, and is a Personal Coach through Da'at U'Tevuna School in Rechovot, Israel. From 2010-2013 Rabbi Tal taught in Toronto at Netivot HaTorah Day School. There he managed the informal educational department of the Middle School and Elementary school including the tefillah program.

In 2014-2015 Rabbi Tal served as Marketing Director for Livnot U'Lehibanot in Tzfat. Rabbi Tal managed to create a new leadership program and filled both campuses thoughout the summer, with three programs running simultaneously, made possible by cultivating relationships with key organizations in the Jewish world in Israel and the Diaspora.

In 2015 Rabbi Tal completed his training as a Personal Life Coach through Da'at Utevuna Institute in Rechovot, Israel. The decision to initiate The Tefilla Project stems from his experience and expertise as both an educator and a Personal Life Coach, creating a platform for quality educational consulting and support.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

[saje] Two events coming up

Hi SAJE! We have two events coming up soon:

1. This Friday, 2/19: Donuts, Hot Chocolate and Jewish Philosophy
Come discuss Jewish ideas about free will, over hot chocolate and donuts, with our very own Hillel Steinmetz, this Friday, 2/19 at 5pm in the 3rd floor beit midrash at Hillel.

2. This coming Monday, 2/22: Pre-Purim dinner and learning with Malka Simkovich
In honor of Purim, Malka Simkovich, a doctoral candidate at Brandeis studying 2nd Temple Judaism and rabbinic literature and early Christian literature will teach about the Poetics of the Book of Esther. There will be dinner at 8 and she will be teaching at 8:30 at Hillel. Please RSVP to Rabbi Anna at

3. Interesting Torah question for anyone who reads these emails to think about: read verse 25 of this chapter. What does it mean that God gave the Jewish people bad laws as punishment? Are those still laws we have? Let me know if you have interesting thoughts because I've been thinking about it a lot.

Yours in Torah,


Monday, February 1, 2016

[saje] Learning Shabbaton Feb 5-6

Na'aseh V'Nishma:

Action and Belief in Jewish Texts

Learning Shabbaton

with scholar in residence from Mechon Hadar

Rabbi Jason Rubenstein

This Shabbat February 5th-6th at Hillel



This Shabbaton filled with learning opportunities, socializing, and great food will include the following events:

Friday night Shiur (Following Dinner): Since Mitzvah Doesn't Mean Commandment, What Does it Mean?: New Approaches to Obligation in Judaism

Torah Bowl and Tisch: This social event will take place after the Shiur at the Flat, or 5551 S Kimbark Ave.

Shabbat Afternoon Chevruta Learning (Following Kiddush Lunch): For Those of Us Who Can't Believe: An Introduction to R' Hasdai Crescas's Agnostic Rational Minimalism (and Passionate Emotional Maximalism)

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Jonas Actor, Rachel Potter, or Ayelet Pinnolis

Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

[saje] Save The Date! Learning Shabbaton Feb. 5-6

UChicago Hillel presents:

Learning Shabbaton
with scholar in residence from Mechon Hadar
Rabbi Jason Rubenstein
February 5th-6th

Get excited for a Shabbat of learning, which will include: shiurim, chevruta learning, special Shabbat meals and kiddush, and the second quarterly Torah bowl and tish!

Stay tuned for more details!

If you have questions, ask Jonas, Rachel Potter, or Ayelet

Thursday, January 14, 2016

[saje] SAJE events - this weekend and beyond!

SAJE has two upcoming events and two new programs we're launching! (See below for details.)

This weekend:
Donuts, Hot Chocolate, and the Problem of Evil
Lunch and Text Study

New Programs:
Chavruta (Partner Learning) Program
Leyning (Torah Reading) Tutoring Program

Donuts, Hot Chocolate, and the Problem of Evil
TOMORROW Friday January 15
5-6 pm at UChicago Hillel, 3rd Floor

Start your Shabbat/weekend with a philosophical discussion in a cozy setting while filling up on warm beverages and doughnuts (really, what could be better?).  Hillel Steinmetz will be leading a discussion on theodicy, or proving the existence of God in a world in which evil also exists. All are welcome - no background in Jewish philosophy required! Texts will be provided.  
This will be the first in a series of discussions on Jewish philosophy and thought, so keep your eyes peeled for upcoming announcements about the next discussion.

Lunch and Text Study
SHABBAT Saturday January 16
12:30 pm at 5450 S Dorchester Ave (affectionately known as "the hoose")

The first-ever Shabbat lunch hosted by SAJE! Everyone is invited. A group will head over from Hillel around 12:30, or just knock when you get there.  After we've filled up on delicious food we will fill up on Torah, in a text study led by Ayelet Pinnolis.  No background knowledge required - texts in Hebrew and English will be provided.

Chavruta (Partner Learning) Program  
SAJE board member Ariel Aiash will be coordinating this program.  To sign up or request more information you may contact him at

Chavrutas are a traditional Jewish mode of learning in which you and a peer study a text together. You read a text (traditionally Talmud, but it can be anything within the Jewish cannon) out-loud with a partner and do a line by line analysis. It is a wonderful experience, and those of you who are interested in alternative educational and pedagogical models should definitely check it out.

If you would like to participate, please email Ariel with the topics you are interested in learning (and your preferred language in which to learn) and Ariel will match you with someone else who is looking to study similar things. Once you are matched you can decide with your chavruta what times work for you to meet and study. If you already have a chavruta you can register together. Once you are registered you are eligible to get funding from SAJE to purchase snacks to enhance your learning time. 

Later on in the quarter we will be having a Yom Iyun, an event in which everyone who is involved in the Chavruta Program is invited to share with each other and other guests some of what they have been learning together.  We will send an email about this event in a few weeks.

Leyning (Torah Reading) Tutoring Program
Ayelet Pinnolis will be coordinating this program. To sign up or request more information you may contact her at
This program is for those interested in learning how to leyn (chant Torah) for the first time, those who would like more practice or have not read Torah since their bat/bar mitzvah, and those who would like to learn other tropes: Haftarah, Eicha (Lamentations), Esther, Kohelet/Shir Hashirim/Rut (Ecclesiastes/Song of Songs/Ruth), and High Holidays.  All genders and denominational affiliations (or lack thereof) are welcome! Even if you do not plan to read Torah during services and would like to learn how we would love to help you learn. 

If you would like to teach or learn leyning please send an email to Ayelet stating which kind of trope (Torah, Haftarah, etc.) you are interested in learning, as well as gender preferences for whom you are comfortable learning with if this as a matter of religious concern for you.  Please respond quickly so that we can set up matches within the next week.

Thank you to all those who already expressed their interest in this program at the end of last quarter - if you have already sent an email requesting to join this program you do not need to send another.   

Thursday, November 12, 2015

[saje] Rabbi Leibtag TONIGHT

Hello Folks!

Just a reminder that the Rabbi Leibtag event will be happening TONIGHT at Hillel at 6 pm.  We hope to see you there!

The Student Alliance for Jewish Enrichment (SAJE) and UChicago Hillel present:

Are Some People 'Holier' than Others?

The Story of Sodom & the Biblical Concept

of a 'Chosen Nation'

A guest lecture with visiting scholar in residence

Rabbi Menachem Leibtag

Thursday, November 12, at 6:00pm

University of Chicago Hillel

5715 S. Woodlawn Ave

Dinner will be served

Rabbi Menachem Leibtag, founder of the Tanach Study Center, is an internationally acclaimed bible scholar and pioneer of Jewish education.  He is well known for his essays on the weekly Torah portion which are read by thousands of people worldwide.  Rabbi Leibtag teaches at Yeshivat Har Etzion, Yeshivat Shaalavim, Midreshet Lindenbaum, & Matan Raanana and routinely lectures around the globe.

Funded in Part by Student Government

Monday, November 9, 2015

[saje] upcoming SAJE events!

We have three exciting upcoming events this week and next week!

Wednesday, November 11th - 12 pm
SAJE and Chabad Present: Lox and Learn
Rohr Chabad Center
5700 Woodlawn Ave
Free bagel lunch

Join us to study with a partner and eat a delicious lunch!  Source sheets will be provided.

Thursday, November 12th - 6 pm
**Rabbi Menachem Leibtag - Guest Lecture**
Are Some People 'Holier' than Others? 
The Story of Sodom & the Biblical Concept of a 'Chosen Nation'
UChicago Hillel
5715 Woodlawn Ave
Dinner catered by Milt's BBQ

Rabbi Menachem Leibtag, founder of the Tanach Study Center, is an internationally acclaimed bible scholar and pioneer of Jewish education.  He is well known for his essays on the weekly Torah portion which are read by thousands of people worldwide.  Rabbi Leibtag teaches at Yeshivat Har Etzion, Yeshivat Shaalavim, Midreshet Lindenbaum, & Matan Raanana and routinely lectures around the globe.

Thursday, November 19th - time TBD
"Lo Bashamayim Hi" (Not in Heaven): 
Idealism and Pragmatism in the Story of the Oven of Achnai
with Yosef Peysin
Rohr Chabad Center
5700 Woodlawn Ave
Dinner will be served

Explore the Talmudic story of the great debate between Rabbi Eliezer and the Sages involving miracles and more. Why was the ruling according to the Sages when God performed miracles on behalf of Rabbi Eliezer?  What role do pragmatism and idealism play in Halacha (Jewish legalism)?  Join SAJE and Yosef Peysin of Chabad for in-depth learning and discussion.

Upcoming: Leyning (Torah reading) Tutoring 
We will soon be launching our new leyning tutoring program!  If you would like to teach or learn leyning (chanting Torah) please send me an email so we can match you up.  All genders and denominational affiliations are welcome!  Even if you do not plan to read Torah during services and would like to learn how we would love to help you learn.  More information will be forthcoming.